Bobrava Dobermanns - FCI dobermann kennel (CZ)

Bobrava Dobermanns - FCI dobermann kennel (CZ)



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11.4.2015 - trénink ARLET Veltrusy PDF Print E-mail
Written by rt   
Monday, 13 April 2015 09:25
There are no translations available.


11.4.2015 Arlet Veltrusy 11.4.2015 Arlet Veltrusy

11.4.2015 Arlet Veltrusy 11.4.2015 Arlet Veltrusy

Harras Haico Alary Aslar 11.4.2015 Arlet Veltrusy, fig. V.Kuncl

Fotky ze sobotního tréninku a odpočinku v ARLET-Kynologický areál Veltrusy, za fotky moc děkujeme Gábině

Last Updated on Monday, 13 April 2015 09:51
The best Czech1 Dobermann Club working individuals PDF Print E-mail
Written by rt   
Sunday, 15 March 2015 08:53


     The Czech1 Dobermann Club 2014 best working individuals competition results made us a great pleasure, while we took both 2nd places in males as well as in females!

Overall results:


1. Harlequin Gumby (IDC 2014 World Champion) - owner Karolina Kocova, trainer+handler Ludek Silhavy

2. Ch. Harras Haico Alary Aslar - owner+trainer+handler Roman Tkacuk

3. Russkaja Mechta Krutoi Kozak - owner+trainer+handler Karolina Kocova



1. Juliette Josephine Alary Aslar (11. place WM IDC 2014) - owner+trainer+handler mgr.Daniela Cahova

2. Krystal Kasey Alary Aslar - owner+trainer+handler Roman Tkacuk

3. Kiss Kirké Alary Aslar - owner+trainer+handler mgr.Daniela Cahova




Last Updated on Sunday, 15 March 2015 12:38
IPO trials 17.11.2014 PDF Print E-mail
Written by rt   
Tuesday, 18 November 2014 16:34


Harras Haico Alary Aslar passed FH 1 - 91b. (unfortunately -5pts. for the second object, even though Harras marked it correctly, then on wet crop field he unfortunately stood up and shaked off...  vocal correction had to follow...   )

Krystal Kasey Alary Aslar did her IPO 3 on 273b. (85-90-98), unfortunately again -7pts. for the last object. She finished the track, she did mark the object in standing position for a while... and then unfortunately left it and came right opposite to me...  oh, those wet winter cereals, probably not the most comfortable for the dobermann to lie-down..., the overall result could be even a little better, but never mind, yet she passed the points limit for all breed IPO Nationals FCI Qualification in 2015!

Both of them made me a great pleasure - very good and promising performance today from both !!!

Last Updated on Tuesday, 18 November 2014 16:55
Our trial weekend 8.-9.11.2014 PDF Print E-mail
Written by rt   
Sunday, 09 November 2014 17:08


     This weekend our ladies team succesfully topped our training with trials. 

First on Saturday 8.11.2014 Nancy Nathalia Alary Aslar did successfully her FPr 1

and then on Sunday 9.11.2014 Krystal Kasey Alary Aslar passed her IPO 2


Krystal Kasey Alary Aslar Nancy Nathalia Alary Aslar

Last Updated on Sunday, 09 November 2014 17:34
Nancy Nathalia - BH PDF Print E-mail
Written by rt   
Tuesday, 28 October 2014 21:07


     Nancy Nathalia Alary Aslar today successfully passed her BH


DSC 0888

Last Updated on Tuesday, 28 October 2014 21:12
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