Bobrava Dobermanns - FCI dobermann kennel (CZ)

Bobrava Dobermanns - FCI dobermann kennel (CZ)


Bobrava - Odchovy

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Historie CHS von Fürstenfeld (část 1.) PDF Tisk Email
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Středa, 23 Červen 2010 14:27


Breeding History of Kennel Fürstenfeld



article by Bitten Jönsson (Jotunheim kennel, Denmark)

based on research made possible though various breeding
records and by ourselves.

It is actually amazing to see, what the breeders have achieved in a period of 100 years. Going back into the history of how the Dobermann became the Dobermann breed. One discovers that the Dobermann is the worlds largest cross-breeds of pure breeds of today. Some of the dogs which we know that are represented within the Dobermann breed are:

Mastiff, Rottweiler, German Pinscher, German Dogge, German Shepherd, Manchester Terrier, Gordon Setter, Weimeraner, Greyhound

Some of these dogs, have had minor or major influence on the breed of our magnificent, noble Dobermann of today. One can only say, that the breeders of that time, have had the feeling, knowledge and the ability to select the correct dogs for future breedings.
Throughout time there have been, and still are, many distinguished breeders, among these Herman Palmer, the founder of Kennel Fürstenfeld


Being a lover and breeder of Dobermann for some years, and having the opportunity, through stud books and other available literature, to analyze and follow other breeders combinations and the outcome, I have always been very fascinated with the Fürstenfeld dogs. In the following, I will try to describe the combinations which came out of this kennel, and the importance of these dogs to the breed of today.

The Fürstenfeld kennel produced it's first litter around 1954. The A-litter, and it was out of:

Nord Germania (69617) and Freya v. Karlsfeld

There were 6 puppies (1 female/5 males) in this litter, but what became of these dogs we do not know. We do know, that Palmer was not satisfied with the litter - the tan/markings should have been darker - so he sold both parents - Nord went to Finland (Kennel Gunterforst).

The 07.12.56, the B-litter was born. From which the distinguishes Bordo sprang. He should later show to bee of great significance to the future breedings from the Fürstenfeld and other breeders of that time. This litter was out of: Lump v. Hagenstolz (70473) and Inka v.d. Nordburg (74721)

A year went by, but then on the 21.01.58 the C-litter was born, from which Citto and Citta sprang. Dogs, which later showed to be of exceptional significance to the future Fürstenfeld breedings and the Dobermann breed as such. They were out of:

Lump v. Hagenstolz (70473) and Carmen v. Felsingpass (71553).


The litters D (born 21.04.59) and E (born 10.03.60) were repetitions of the C-litter.

The 12.03.60 the F-litter was born. This was the first attempt to line breed on the C and B litter. Citto (76169) and Bella (75541).

Later the same year (01.05) the G-litter was born. We know there were 6 puppies in this litter - 2 males/4 females. The female "Goldine" went to the Gunterforst kennel in Finland and the female “Gina”, should later show to be the proud Dam of Argus v. Neroberg. A male of high significance to the breed of his time - grandfather to the prominent - Gravin Wietske v. Neerlands Stam -

The G-litter was out of:Citto (76169) and Assi v. Golinka (71512)

Assi v. Golinka was out of (Sire: Bruno v. Mühlberg / Dam:Asta v. Bibertal )

In 1961 the following litters were born - H (04.01.) out of:

Dirk v. Goldberg (76137) and Citta (76173)

Dirk, a very popular male and out of the strong breedings from the Hagenstolz kennel. He was also the grandfather of Odin v. Forell - again bloodlines of very high significance to the breed of today.

The I-litter (26.03.) out of:

Citto (76169) and Tonka Germania (76082)

The Dam Tonka, was a very strong bred female and 3/4 sister to Citto. One of the females out of this combination, Ina, should later prove to be of very high importance to the future Fürstenfeld breedings.

J-litter (12.06) and out of:

Bordo (75537) and Carmen v. Felsingpass (71553)

From this litter, the female Jutta proved her importance at the Fürstenfeld kennel and her litter mate Jago, had great influence in connection with the Eichenhain kennel, by being the father to the A-litter and therefore also very important to other breeders, who founded their breeding program on this litter, and with success. Such as the kennels Forellenbächle and Veste Ozberg.

The K-litter (01.01.62), L-litter (12.12.62) and the M-litter (13.06.63) were all line breedings out of:Bordo (75537) and Citta (76173)

One of the more important dogs out of the K-litter, was the male “Kandy”. He was owned by the judge, breeder and founder of the Kennel Frankenland - Leo Schellmann. Out of the M-litter, 3 dogs had the opportunity to influate our dogs of today with their important bloodline.:

Miko, Meckie & Mascha

Miko was the Sire of Palma v. Ellendonk (the Dam of Bingo v. Ellendonk).
Meckie was the Sire of Armin-Meckie v. Rotenfeld.
Mascha proved her importance through Kennel Bavaria, founded by the president of the German Dobermann Club and distinguished judge Hans Wiblishauser.

The N-litter born 1963 and out of:

Citto (76169) and Jutta (77552)

In 1964 the O-litter was born (01.04.) and the result of strong line breed between:

Citto (76169) and Ina (77492)

The female Orsa should later prove her importance through the future Fürstenfeld breedings. Her litter mate “Odin” - which later was exported out of Germany - accordingly proved his importance to the breed.

The P-litter (01.06.64.) was a repetition of the litters K/L/M. Unfortunately there were only two puppies in this litter - a male & a female.

The following litters were born in 1965. R-litter (02.03.) out of:Citto (76169) and Blacky of Fayette Corner (öhzb dp7863)

Blacky herself, was out of Anka of Fayette Corner (litter sister to the very popular male Arco & Aga).
This combination should later prove to be very important through the male “Rado”. He was imported to Holland by the Kennel Neerlands Stam, where he sired many very good puppies. He was a very popular stud of his time, but was later sold to Asia.

The S-litter (24.03.) could be said to be a not normal combination out of kennel Fürstenfeld, because here we have:

Bill v. Burgstall (77869) and Aga of Fayette Corner (öhzb dp7763)

- litter sister to Arco and Anka.

The T-litter (01.04.) out of:

Bill v. Burgstall (77869) and Ina (77492)

There have not been information available concerning the importance of these two litters.

The same year, the combination between Bordo & Citta was repeated and produced the U-litter (23.05.)


(part two - to be continued here)




Aktualizováno Pátek, 09 Březen 2012 21:49